NBL Blog

Sharing my views on Health and Wellness.

Androgen blockers: Stinging Nettle and Spearmint! Sep 09, 2020

In this short video I chat about the benefits of adding the humble Stinging Nettle and Spearmint into your daily routine!

They both contain actives which help to block the aromatisation of...

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How to extract and use Wild Lettuce latex Aug 20, 2020

So you’ve probably seen my recent posts, playing around with Wild Lettuce extracts... I've had a fair crop of it growing by the end of my house this year, and everyone has been under strict...

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Wild Lettuce; Lactuca virosa Aug 20, 2020

So I'm writing this as a blog post today because apparently the Instagram feed only lets me ramble so much, lol. Too many words they say... geez... 

It's always fun wandering around a yard...

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Home herbal relief for coughs and colds Aug 20, 2020

This morning I woke up and realized just how many bare trees are around. Winter is pretty much upon us, and it's fairly safe to say that so is the season of the Colds and Flu.

So today I wanted...

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How to prepare a Garlic Oxymel (syrup) Aug 20, 2020

Rainy days at my house always conjures the brewing of 'something' in my kitchen, and it just so happens that my garlic has finished its' 2week-long 'digestion' in apple cider vinegar, and is all...

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Pine Resin: How to render it for remedies Aug 20, 2020

You might have seen some photos of pine resin that I posted a while back. I was on the hunt for some wild-grown resin to harvest and add to a few of the things I was making.

Pine resin is one of...

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