NBL Blog
Sharing my views on Health and Wellness.
Nutrigenomic Gene profiling
Aug 12, 2020
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Gene testing is becoming one of the hottest and fastest ways to identify underlying drivers for all sorts of health conditions. From something as simple as a saliva swab, your genetic "blueprint"...
Are you a rebel at heart?
Aug 12, 2020
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Raise your hand if you are a habitual self-sabotage?!? Are you always destroying all the hard work you did, maybe on a healthy eating regime? Or having all of those 'good days', only to think...
We are more than our MTHFR
Aug 12, 2020
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oday I wanted to talk about one of the buzz phrases on social media at the moment- gene mutations.
For those who are not up to speed with this, a few years back, science finished 'mapping' the...