NBL Blog

Sharing my views on Health and Wellness.

TUMMY PAINS; How to tell the difference Aug 12, 2020
We all have those days when a child complains of a sore tummy.  Most of the time we respond with 'have a drink of water', or 'have you been to the toilet?'.  Sound advice first up, but...
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Vaccination pt3; Toxins in vs toxins out Aug 12, 2020

Ok.. now that I have put the fear of god into you about our environment (sorry, but this stuff is very real!), I want to swing your attention now to the standard protocol here in Australia for...

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Vaccination pt 1; Toxins in vs Toxins out Aug 12, 2020

Vaccination. This word is probably the single most emotive word in this country today.  It literally has the ability to divide a room, a social media thread, or even a family or friendship.


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Vaccination support Aug 12, 2020

The debate surrounding vaccination is an emotional one at the best of times. There are more than two sides to this heated discussion, and nobody's opinions or personal experiences can ever be...

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Effective Eczema treatment Aug 12, 2020

Eczema is a skin condition which presents with symptoms of red, inflamed patches on the skin, which can be itchy. Often these patches concentrate in the joints- inside the elbows, behind the knees,...

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Keeping kids focussed Aug 10, 2020

Day one of homeschooling started yesterday.. hands up how many of us feel like they failed bismally!? Go easy on yourself during this VERY dynamic time.. nobody is asking you to be a SuperHuman!...

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